27-29 September 2017
Puebla, Pue., México
America/Mexico_City timezone

Due to a state of emergency that Puebla keeps as a result of the recent earthquakes affecting Mexico, we have been forced to suspend the Chico 17 event scheduled to be held in the near future.

This activity will be rescheduled soon, so we kindly invite, all those interested in participating, to be attentive to the publication of the new dates.

Also, we are confident that some other events held and promoted by Ciffu, will rise your interest and support.



One of the activities of our center  during 2017, is the workshop “Cosmic Higgs Connections,“ which is expected to become one of the main events of CIFFU, and is planned to be held every year.

This workshop will attempt to cover recent progress in Higgs physics and related topics, which is a  traditional reserach area  at BUAP.  Besides covering Higgs phenomenology, both at the Precision and Energy frontiers,  working within the Standard Model and its extensions, it  will also discuss the interfase between Higgs physics and Cosmology. This includes: phase transitions, vacuum stability, baryogenesis, scalar dark matter and inflation, among others.


This workshop will serve to identify those reserach topics on fundamental physics, that will serve as an umbrella for  our group, to strenghten the areas we already work on and to start new collaborations on those topics that deserve to be studied.


To fulfill  these objectives we plan to invite leading world experts and outstanding local collegues,

to  deliver courses, review talks and specialized seminars on Higgs Physics, Cosmology and related ones.


For the 2017 CHICO workshop  we have invited the following experts:


1. Marcela Carena (FNAL, USA)

2. Shinya Kanemura (Osaka; Japan)

3. Ernest Ma (UC, Riverside,USA)

4. Eduardo Peinado (UNAM, Mexico)

5. Abdel Perez-Lorenzana (Cinvestav, Mexico)

6. Alex Stuart (UCOL, Mexico)

7. W. Hollik (DESY)


Local speakers, postdocs and students will also present their results.


Starts 27 Sep 2017 09:00
Ends 29 Sep 2017 19:00
Puebla, Pue., México
Av. San Claudio y 18 Sur, Col. Jardines de San Manuel, C. U., FCFM, BUAP
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